Friday, March 19, 2010

Conversations with the Boys :O)

***March 6th, 2010 ...Between John and Mom (Me) talking about his doll Theodore, whom he brought with him to see Alvin and the Chipmunks the Squeakqual...

"I don't want it," John exclaimed. "It's all yucky cause Anna kissed it."

"Will it be alright if Mommy kisses it? I asked.

"No." he replied. "Then it will be all yucky again!"

***March 10th, 2010 ...We were on our way to the airport to go and see Jacobs Mom Vonnie and the kids were being really noisy, especially Anna. I told them to be quite, but Anna persisted so I yelled back "Hey!"

Anna stopped.

Then David said, "Mom's watching you, she's always watching you!" (It's a modified quote from Monster Inc. to suit the situation.) :O)

***March 12th, 2010 ...Anna and David are always trying to outdo each other counting since David is learning in school. One day after school though David exclaimed proudly, "Dad, I counted all the way to infinity last night, and this morning!"

***Earlier this week, I'm not sure which day, I was going through sight word flash cards with David. We came to his name, 'David' he said it with a smile.

The next word was 'Riley'. He looked confused so I gave him a hint, "It's your middle name."

Then he exclaimed with an even bigger smile, "Spiderkid"! I started laughing. "That's not your middle name," I siad. "Your middle name is Riley. I named you that because it means 'Valiant', like a knight."

He looked so upset, "But Dad said that I could change my middle name to Spiderkid!" he protested.

...There was a bit more dialogue between us, but I found the whole conversation and his reaction so funny that I laughed for probably a whole 5 minutes or more and my eyes started watering I was laughing so hard. By the end David was laughing too! :O)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice all those conversations you had with the boys. Our kids definitely like to use the Monster Inc, I'm Always watching you Mom, always watching. Of course they change it around too to fit the situation. Anyway, just thought I would comment, that I love kids and what they come up with. Timothy says you should publish David's comment of, I counted to infinity last night, and this morning. :) Timothy loved it, so did I.