Monday, March 08, 2010

A Little Update on Us

~January 29th, 2010

How are things for us?! Well...everyone is doing pretty well here. I'll start youngest and work myself up.

Maggie is growing every day and getting more and more interactive . At her 4 month visit she was almost 14 lbs. She's rolling over front to back and back to front, though not very often; It's mostly on accident. She's laughing more, she thinks everyone is funny, especially her sibs. She doesn't like to be in any one place for too long and she's just big enough to go in her jumperoo now, so I'll have to bring that downstairs here soon so that she can be upright and jump around while I'm doing chores or working with her brothers. She's moved on to 3-6 month clothes mostly and I think I need to put her back in size 2 diapers. She's had a bit of a cold here recently and is almost completely over her snuffles! Yay! :O)

I think Johns hair is getting darker. I just gave him a hair cut here in the last couple days and today I noticed while he was sitting in front of me that his hair seems darker (it wasn't wet). Maybe the darker hair is growing out as he gets older, everyone but him has some variation of dark brown hair, even Maggie. His hair is so fine though, I'm hoping that will thicken up one of these days too! John is really into kid movies right now. I usually sit him down to 2 or 3 Backyardigans or Diegos while I'm trying to get stuff done around the house. He also likes playing Legos with his older sibs and Lightening McQueen is still his favorite car. I'm not doing anything formally with him right now, though I'm trying to spend half an hour or so looking or reading through a book or two that he picks out; he really enjoys the flap books with hidden pictures underneath.

David is doing well in Kindergarten. Though there are days when he asks why he has to go back, though when he comes home he seems to have had a great time. David really enjoys video games, whether watching or playing. He's been playing Indiana Jones Legos 2 w/ Jacob occasionally and they are building some challenge levels for their characters to complete and having lots of fun doing it! David is getting better and better with his creativity every day; he comes up with stories almost as well as Anna does, if she'll let him. He has taken a better interest in drawing since we got a dry erase board for him and his writing isn't too bad for a Kindergartner who was never interested in writing or drawing before he went into Kindergarten. He's growing too and I think I'm going to have to get him some size 6 pants here soon cause his 5's are becoming high-waters and that drives me crazy!

Anna has a very unique fashion sense; she puts the oddest combination of clothing items together sometimes and it's hard to persuade her to change, so we usually just let her go with it (fortunately it doesn't happen very often). She's getting more and more into accessories and usually throws a bunch of jewelry on with scarves, hats, etc. Sometimes we have to make her tone down her choices to just one item to be presentable. :O) She's still brining home tons and tons of homework, which we need to talk to her teacher about yet again! They have way too much to do for a 4th grader, it's crazy! With as much homework as she has she doesn't have time to hardly do anything, but homework in an evening and that makes every one cranky! She's also having fun playing the Lego game with Jacob and David (it's only a 2 player game though).

I have been keeping busy! Having 4 kids makes ones life, really busy. Most of my time is spent taking care of all of Maggie's many, many needs right now, the rest of the families needs, my own and house work. I do have little bits of free time here and there, which I usually choose to spend on catching up on shows that I like to watch, while also catching up on Facebook. Though, last Saturday I joined Weight Watcher's in the hopes that I will start to lose weight! I have unfortunately gained all the weight I lost after Maggie was born and joining this program will hopefully help keep me motivated to stick to a more healthier (food related) life style. I've also been trying to work out as well, either using the treadmill or just this week I started doing one of my favorite workout videos. I will be attending meetings once a week to weigh in and get advice (tomorrow will be my second meeting; this time I'll be joining the 'Mom and Me' group designed specifically for mothers with kids). I can't do the 'Mom and Me' class, the boys are too noisy for the leader and it's too frustrating for me to try and keep them quite for the whole meeting, I can't pay attention. I've decided to do the early morning meeting on Saturday. I think they have a 7:15 meeting. I did weigh in at the meeting on Thursday. I had lost a little weight, hopefully I can keep that up! I worked out more this week than last week, hopefully working out more will help too!
~February 2nd~ Well, since Friday we've had a busy weekend. I went to a movie with Anna and my friend Cindy at the Cinema Grill, we watched "Twilight: New Moon" and I saved a bunch of points to be able to have a burger and fries and half a brownie sundae, which I shared with Anna.

We've been trying out a new Church lately. We've been three times now. We had attended our other Church for over 5 years and we are only close with 2 families, nobody else has the same interests as us or has any room for us in their lives so we are moving on, it's too frustrating! We haven't made any new friends at this other Church yet, but Jacob and I don't make friends very quickly. We made friends really quickly when we first went to our first Church because of Anna, she became friends with a boy and their family asked us out to lunch and we have been friends ever since. I'm thinking we are going to have to invite some people out to lunch to make friends or just get bolder. I told Jacob that we need to find a way to find friends like you'd use a dating service. Not sure why they don't have sites for that, you know, put your interests and morals out there and that matches you with other people with the same interests and morals as you! Oh and we also need to find people with our same sense of humor. That's gotten us in trouble with one family at our other Church. They just don't know use well enough or understand our humor so it came across offensive, oh well, I tried to work things out, but apparently they are still hurt...

We did a bit of running around Sunday evening. I wanted to go to a larger Target store to get some cuties (clementines) for the kids and some ruffle butt pants for Maggie that were on sale (so cute in a darker pink and navy). We also finished watching the Season 4 of Stargate SG1, which I need to give back to Cindy (we borrowed it from her, she has the whole series).

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