Monday, March 22, 2010

February 25th - March 22nd

The weather has been cycling between nice and nasty for at least a week now. We got about 3 or 4 inches of snow and it was so cold and wet, we just didn’t go anywhere except to get the kids to and from school. It was kind of weird though because we’d just had a really nice 70-degree day before we got the storm (Friday 3/19)! Today (3/21) it was almost in the 60’s and tomorrow it’s supposed to be about 64-degrees. Then after that we drop down into the 30’s again and get more rain and snow. Darn it! :O(

So, what we’ve been up to in the last month… The Thursday after my last post (25th February) Anna went to her Schools Skate City Night. She had a blast and has been begging to go back ever since. David decided about half an hour after the party started that he wanted to go; we had originally asked him and he said ‘no’ so we wouldn’t let him go and he pretty much threw a fit for the rest of the evening; we didn’t change our minds. We are thinking of doing Anna's 10th Birthday Party at Skate City, at least it's an idea on the table right now.

Every Friday since February 5th, my friend Carley and her kids come over and hang out till like 5 or 6 in the evening. It’s lots of fun and I look forward to that every week!!!

Jacob had his last Role playing game with his guy friends on Saturday (2/27). They are taking a 3-month or more break due to different work/personal conflicts. Jacob isn’t too happy about it because he really wants to play and our friends the LeBleu’s are too busy with work to be able to play with us lately either! :O(

On Sunday the 28th we hosted a Foosball Tournament at our house. Two of our closest friends and their families came and a guy, Jacob knows from work, and his family came too! They left earlier than everyone else, but I think we all had a good time!

On March 2nd I finally got a hair cut! I had been contemplating doing it for ages and finally just went and did it; I got a slightly longer pixie cut. However I noticed that evening that my do was lopsided. I thought I could just wash it and it would fix the problem, but it didn't work, so I had to go back in next morning and get it fixed; Fortunately they were able to get me right in. It still hasn’t been cooperating very well (both sides don’t do the same thing) so I have to fudge with it and have cut it on each side a couple different times to try and get each side to do the same thing. One of these days it might do what I want! ;O)

On the 3rd my friend Carley watched the boys so that I could go and get my eyes checked! I had been wearing contacts for almost a month and was getting really sick of it, so now I have contacts. However, they aren’t cooperating either because my eyes just don’t want to stay moist enough to focus. I’m not sure what is wrong with them? I probably should go back and have the doctor take a look at them to see what’s going on!

Later that afternoon I went out to a movie with my girlfriends. I think we went and watched “It’s Complicated”. It was funny, but not morally sound!

The next week on Monday (8th) and Thursday (11th) I had my friend Athena and her son, Hale, over. I haven’t been able to hang with her very often, she’s always so busy and she’s only going to get busier because she’s scheduled to be induced to have her baby this coming Thursday (25th). Actually on Thursday I ended up watching Hale for about an hour while she went to a meeting, then came over and hung out till it was time for David to go to school. She stayed that long both days then took him to school for me. That was really nice cause then I was able to just feed Maggie and put her down for a nap and not have to worry about waiting till after I took David to school. Anyway, we had a good visit and got all caught up. :O)

On Tuesday the 9th, Maggie turned 6 months! She was 14 lbs 9 oz. and 27” tall. She has put on almost 8 lbs and 7 inches in 6 months. Jacob took the day off because I had a doctor’s appointment earlier in the morning and then took Maggie to hers. He stayed home with the kids in the morning for me, and then watched the boys while I took Maggie in at 10. She got more shots and was pretty out of it for quite awhile after. Shots take so much out of babies! We also got a couple chores/errands done that we’d been wanting to get done, but don’t have the time to do on a regular work day. Jacob hung some blinds for me in the family room so that I don’t get blinded by the sun in the mornings. The sun rises on the back of the house and can have some pretty killer rays in the morning.

On the 12th I went in for a doctors appointment to get my ankle checked out. It had been hurting me for two weeks and was only getting worse so I finally decided to go in. My doctor was baffled by my descriptions; she had no idea what was wrong. She ordered an x-ray, which I got later that afternoon. Her recommendations were 800 mg ibprophen 3 times a day, wrap, and elevate it, plus I’m supposed to try and stay off it as much as possible, which is pretty impossible with 4 kids! So it’s not getting much better and has actually been hurting a bit more off and on depending on how much I use it. My x-ray came back normal, so now my doctor says that she’ll order anything I want: therapy or an Ortho consult, etc. I’m not sure what to do, but all I know is that it isn’t getting better and I really need to work out or I’m not going to be losing any more weight any time soon!

Speaking of which, I’ve been doing Weight Watcher’s since January 24th. As of March 13th, 7 weeks on Weight Watcher’s, I have lost 15 lbs. However, since I haven’t been able to really work out the last two weeks, due to my ankle, I didn’t lose anything last week. This week, though, I’m determined to get some workouts in even if it’s just strength training. It’s really hard to do cardio if you can’t use your legs!!!

I got my brother to join me on the Weight Watcher’s life style change! He’s lost over 5lbs in two weeks, so he’s doing really well too!!! :O)

On Sunday the 14th, after Church, we went to the Castle Rock Outlets. We spent at least 2 hrs walking around and checking out shops. That was fun, but a really bad idea cause my ankle was killing me afterwards!!! The rest of this week we haven’t been up to much! I’ve been trying to take it easy and stay off my ankle, but I still have to get things done around the house.

In the mail on Friday (3/19) I got a postcard stating that a JoAnne Fabric Store in Denver is going out of business. So Saturday morning (20th) Anna and I went to check it out. It was pretty disappointing, so we left about 15 min after arriving. From there we went to the ARC Thrift Store over by us to check things out (they are pretty much 50% off most items every Saturday). I got some Easter outfits or the making of Outfits for Anna, John, and Maggie. Anna's in particular was the best deal! It was marked for $2.99 and 50% off, so only $1.50. It had a minor stain on the front, which I didn't notice till the people and the front started freaking out about the price on the dress. They called someone from the back who then took it to the back to talk to another associate. Turns out that that particular dress had just been brought back the previous day due to the (minor) stains on the front and was originally marked $16.99. The lady who accepted the dress back put a lower price on the dress, but not the $2.99 tag. After all was discussed they finally gave me the dress for the price on the current tag, $2.99 and 50% off! $1.50 SCORE!!! The dresses label said 'Dry Clean Only', but I've been having some pretty good success with running stuff in the washer on the 'Delicate Cycle' then low or air drying them. So I used some Zout (my favorite stain cleaner) and about 2 hrs later the dress was as good as new!!! :O) I also picked up an Easter dress for Maggie and a vest and dress pants for I just need to find something for David!

This week is going to be a little busier… I'll write more about that later!!! :O)

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