Saturday, June 06, 2009

Married 10 Years!

~Well Jacob and I have been married for 10 years as of yesterday! Our Anniversary is June 5th! I can hardly believe it, it just went so fast. I am looking forward to spending at least another 60 with him, I couldn't imagine living my life without out him! He's my best friend and makes all our lives more enjoyable! He's an amazing, wonderful, caring, thoughtful man, I love him more than words can even express!!!

Here is what we did yesterday:

At 7:30 in the morning we had an appointment for a guy to come over and give us an estimate on getting our house painted. We really need to do that before winter because we have some decaying would and need to get it all sealed up so it doesn't get worse. He arrived at 7:10 and our estimate for probably 3 days of work would be $2600 for their portion. He says that there are some decorative pieces that he'd have to call someone else in to do, so I'm not sure how much that would cost yet? Meanwhile I cut up some apples and whisked the batter for waffles. I thought that would be a good breakfast since we haven't had it for awhile and Jacob loves waffles. I don't like 'em unless we do the apple cinnamon topping (it's pretty much like eating a big 'l slice of apple pie). The kids had waffles plain cause they didn't want to wait for the apple topping, they don't really like it anyway. Anna had to be taken to school. She's still in until next Tuesday at 10:30 am.

The apple topping wasn't made along with the waffles right away because I made a few calls to my insurance company and OB to try and get my last and latest ultrasound worked out so that we won't be paying $400 ea. Apparently my insurance only covers one routine ultrasound and currently my first ultrasound on the 22nd of January to make sure baby was okay (due to still experiencing the same symptoms as last year when I had the miscarriage) was categorized as routine and so was my 20 wk ultrasound on the 21st of April. So they only covered the first one and not the second and said that I owed my OB $400 bucks! Yikes! I think I got it all straightened up though, the lady in billing said she'd take care of it when she got the denial from my insurance company.

A little after 9 Jacob, David, John, and I went garage saleing for a little over 2 hrs. Two communities next to us are having their annual sales and I wanted to check them out! Found some cool stuff, actually at the first one Jacob was interested in several things and ended up buying a bookcase complete with a whole set of encyclopedias and a gigantic dictionary for $10. David got a bag of marbles for 50¢, and I got a couple bags and purses for $1.75. We stopped at lots and lots of sales. Didn't really buy a whole lot until near the very end when we found a sale with a water fountain for $5, got some pots for tomatoes...4 for $1, and one of those portable shopping carts that usually sells for $50+ in any home store for $5 (I'm going to use it at community garage sales so that I don't have to carry everything when parking is scarce.). The boys got a couple brand new matchbox cars at another sale, I got Anna some cute little dressy white sandals. We got a few other things here and there, just small items. I think we might go back out again today for a little bit since I don't think everyone was set up yesterday and Anna didn't get to go.

We stopped by McDonald's on our way home and picked up some cheeseburgers and fries for a light lunch. When we got home I washed the van (by hand). Most of it twice because after I sprayed it off and it dried it still looked dirty. Still did even after the 2nd scrub down. Jacob said he thinks it's because of our hard water. We'll have to take care of that one of these days!

Jacob set up the new fountain outside the back door. It sounds really nice! We hope to some day be able to put a huge water feature outside to help drown out traffic noise behind the wall. We have a main street running along our back wall and it can be very noisy sometimes!

After the set up of the fountain Jacob decided to play with his remote control car out front and ended up chasing the boys with it. He even let David drive a bit. He doesn't have very good control though and Jacob had to chase the car down several times and rescue it from different neighbors yards! lol

While the boys were playing I decided to clean up a few more dead branches from our huge blue spruce out from and chatted with my sister on the phone at the same time. Then I took a break and surfed the net and Jacob played Oblivion while the boys watch!

At 2:30 we picked up Anna and went to Bath and Body Works to pick up my Anniversary gift! Jacob got me this new perfume that I discovered that I like there called "Butterfly Flower". It smells so good!!! We took 'em up on there current promotional offer of buy 3 items get 3 free, I got 1 perfume and 5 body splashes (the body splash smells pretty much the same as the perfume at a fraction of the cost). While we were there John had an accident. The kids were smelling all the different fragrances and John accidentally sprayed himself in the eyes with one of the perfumes. Jacob rushed him over to the sink and rinsed his eyes for awhile and we put cold compresses on his eyes to try and cut down on the pain, but his poor little eyes were all swollen and red and so was his nose.

After B&BW we went to an early dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Tried some new dishes and got some different cheesecake slices to take home and try. From there we wen to The Great Indoors and walked around for awhile. We usually like to do that after we've eaten a big dinner.

On the way home we stopped by Lamborghini of Denver and checked out the Lotus vehicles in their lot. A Lotus has been my dream sports type car for awhile. They are a lot smaller than I imagined! I originally saw one in one of Jacob's driving games. We kept the kids away from the vehicles (they only had 3) and Jacob went inside and checked out the Lamborghini's inside the dealership, didn't want to risk taking the kids in there!

Then we went home and watched 4 episodes of one of Jacob's Anniversary gifts, the TRIGUN anime series. We watched them till about 8pm. After the shows I decided I wanted to work on the Nursery some. I have been planning to hang a canopy over the crib so I had to fix it (did that), took it upstairs and had Jacob hold it up to see if I like it. I wasn't sure so we didn't hang it. Decided that since I can't decide on the canopy I'd take all the baby clothes downstairs and get them washed (started a large load of 0/3 & 3/6 mo. clothes). Was going to go through another bin of baby stuff and just ended up pulling out the other things that I have that match the bumper I already have. I might just use it instead of changing everything else, just need to get a crib sheet that matches.

Put the kids to bed about 9:30 and Jacob and I headed to bed soon after. It was a very busy day! :O)

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