Friday, June 12, 2009

Garage Sale & Baby Stuff Shopping

*~*Last night when I was writing my friend Cindy about getting together today I remembered that our Church Youth Group was having a Garage Sale Friday (today) and Saturday this week. I wasn't sure what time so I checked Jacob and my joint account and there was an e-mail saying the garage sale was from 7-3 each day. So being the total Garage Sale fanatic that I am I slept pretty good last night till the last couple early hours when my internal alarm clock kept waking me up to be ready to head over the the Sale. I wanted to check it out before the kids and possibly even Jacob were up, however Jacob was up a few minutes after me and ended up staying up. I was up at 6 am.

I arrived at the Church at about 6:50 and was a bit surprised that there wasn't anything outside at all. "Wasn't the sale suppose to start at 7 this morning" I thought. I took my bag of donations into the Church a bit confused, but was then overwhelmed with the massive amount of stuff that was down the hall and piled on a dozen plus different tables in the Youth room. Lori, one of the ladies helping with the sale was pricing things at the Nursery Desk and asked if I had stuff to donate. I told her yes and that it was all already priced, then I volunteered to help her with pricing all the stuff she was working on. I had brought my box of stickers and started in on helping her out right after I made a quick once over of the sale items.

I found all sorts of cool stuff! I got a Little Tikes book shelf for baby girl and a cute little Hugga Bunch onsie still in it's original package from 1985, an antique replica Crosely Radio that I need to fix (that I can hopefully fix, it needs a new knob for the tuner, doesn't quite work right), a huge bag of all sort of marbles for David and a Fisher Price Airport set for John. I got a really neat 14" Madame Alexander doll that is dressed in autumn colors (it's the Poor Cinderella edition). I got a really neat cast iron bird bath and bird house (small size, merely decorative). I got several other cool things too, but I don't want to list everything...

When I was done helping price and going around checking out the sale I helped make sure other things in the sale were priced. I even made a few signs to put up so people would check out all the furniture in the hall of the Church. I stuck around till about 9:40 then I had to leave. I said I would probably be back tomorrow to help out some more. They are supposed to get a couple more boxes of stuff and I'm hoping to get there to help price it all! I had a lot of fun, doing all that garage sale stuff is totally exciting one of my strong points (all that organizing and such)! It was definitely the highlight of my week!!!

So John is enjoying his Airport set. He's been playing with it since I took everything out and before I was able to clean it all up! (It is sanitized now!)

From the sale I went to Burlington Coat Factory where I was meeting my friend Cindy. She hadn't quite arrived yet, so I decided to go next door to Savers (thrift store) and see if they had any maternity clothes (I found a pair of pants.) After I checked out I rushed over to Burlington and realized that Cindy was already there, so I threw my purchase in the van and made my way quickly to the back of the store where the baby stuff is. She was on her way to the front to try and get ahold of me. We were in there a little over an hour checking stuff out. Baby gear, bedding, clothes, etc. We found a really pretty crib set on clearance and I got an extra 10% off of it with a coupon I had. I also got a couple outfits for baby girl too!

From Burlington we went to JoAnn's to try and find fabric to make a quilt for the crib and ribbon/lace to decorate some lampshades I purchased. They didn't have any ribbon/or lace that I liked, but we did find fabric to put together to make a quilt, however I didn't purchase any of it because the fabric alone (1 yd per design and underside fabric) would have been at least $40 and that wasn't even for the batting to go on the inside or the trim for around the edge. Nothing was on sale! So we left.

Cindy left from their to BJ's to get us a table for lunch. I drove home real quick to pick up Jacob and the kids to go to lunch with us. (Jacob told me if we went to BJ's that he wanted to come too!) Anyway, we arrived a little after 12:30 at BJ's and ordered a bunch of different things than we normally order. I got a turkey cobb sandwich and Jacob got the BJ's burger (it's so yummy, I've had it before!), the boys got chicken strips, fries and a salad, and Anna got a mini cheese pizza. Cindy got the same as me, just with different dressing (she already knew what she wanted, I ended up coping her, sounded good), ours came with salads and fries too! Quite a lot of $5.95! :O)

Cindy went home after lunch to take care of her dogs and Jacob and the kids and I went to Hobby Lobby to see if they had any ribbon/lace to work for the lamps. I found what I was looking for! It's going to be so beautiful! I'll take pictures when I get them completed. I just need to purchase some antique white paint to paint the lamp bases now and I'll have all my materials for that project.

From Hobby Lobby we came home and Jacob took Anna and David to the pool. They weren't able to stay long because another storm moved in. It's suppose to be stormy through Sunday, maybe even longer, they keep extending the forecast! I guess we'll see what next week holds. Not sure what we are going to do the rest of the day, probably watch a couple "Trigun" episodes and get the kids to clean up their messes around the house from their new treasures! I need to do a bit of cleaning up and organizing of the stuff that I got today. Nothing too major!

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