Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jan 21, 22, 23, & 24 happenings

Wednesday Jacob went to work his last day for the week in the early am.

I awoke and got the kids ready for the day. Anna had school all week, we've been working on her poetry project together and have figured out what she/we are going to be doing for her Science Fair Project due in a couple weeks. We just need to get the materials. I did some chores, more than I've done in awhile since I haven't been feeling well. We waited till Anna got out of school to do our running around. We went to Walmart and I took the movies back that we'd rented on Tuesday...Tuesday nights are usually our family movie night since all the new movies come out! I got a few things I'd been needing to get and then we headed home. Of course the only time I was gone all day, for only an hour, and that's when the UPS truck showed up to drop off Jacob's XBOX (it has been sent in for repairs). They left a message that they would come Thursday after 2.

Thursday (22) our friends Joel and Cindy were going to come over and game, but they had to cancel. They both were ill. Hopefully we'll play again soon!

On the 23rd Jacob went and did some running with me. I finally got to do the running that I wanted to do on my Birthday week! We went to Hobby Lobby and picked up some stocking hangers for a buck a piece, 90% off. I also got a really cool decoration for about 75% off w/ a pretty golden bird on it! Jacob used the 40% coupon I had to buy a Stellarium. Then we went to Target and picked up a large exercise ball. After that we went to Michael's and I got some sticker...40% off and found a stash of Mary Engelbright, book marks, notebooks, and a whole bunch of other cool items. Then we went and dropped Jacob off with all our tax information. We had put everything together before we left and it still took H&R Block 5 hours to put it all into their program and it cost a fortune. I was very disappointed because we aren't even getting back half of what we got last year. What we are getting back won't even fully cover one credit card. It's all very disappointing!!! Jacob got to leave for an hour to get dinner. We went to Texas and got my belated Birthday dinner! It was really good!

Today, the 24th, Anna and I went out and did some shopping.

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