Monday, April 28, 2008

Cuter than a bugs ear!


I can hardly believe that it's almost May! The year is slipping away...

Well, I'm probably going to be posting more listing than usual on's been almost four months since I've posted anything. I haven't posted much since I like to write everyone individually, but I'm starting to think that posting everything I want to say here is a much better idea. And I changed my blog name...I wanted something more imaginative for a title and since my Mom still tells me every now and then that 'I'm cuter than a bugs ear' I guess it fits! :O)

We got a new game yesterday "Super Smash Bros." Jacob says it's a total button masher! We got it because when we were playing "Mario Party 8" yesterday I was complaining that their wasn't enough button mashing going on, so...Jake's gonna take it through the story mode first to unlock all the characters and then we'll play matches against each other. He's playing Kirby right now...he's such a cute little pink ball on air!

Jacob is off today and tomorrow, then goes back to work Wed. through Sat., day shift this week and next. It's been nice having him off since he was gone almost all of last week! I'm not looking forward to his next two trips (in June/July), but at least the next ones about a month and a half away...

The boys have been watching shows down stairs this morning. John is currently snuggled in his dad's lap, sucking his thumb, and watching Jacob play "Smash Bros.". It's pretty cute! David is building a castle with the mega blocks.

Anna only has a 4 day week this week! I'm pretty excited about that! Another chance to sleep in Friday. Next week is Anna's school's final Book Faire. We'll be going to check that out! I have big plans for Anna this summer as far as schooling goes. I heard that kids loose 20% off what they learned in school over the summer due to inactivity of the brain, so we are going to have her do a journal each day, work on vocabulary, reading, and I'm gonna have her go through a math workbook in 2nd/3rd grade level! It won't be as long as school, but she really needs to keep up with the reading because she's still a bit behind and she doesn't like math and if Jacob works with her she'll probably get a little more into it. He's much better at math than me, I only got worse the higher I got!

I plan to leave here in a few minutes to go and check out the thrift store. Need to get David some pants. He's worn holes in all his jeans knees. And it's 25% off today at the Unique. So, so long for now...

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