Friday, August 21, 2009

David loses his first tooth 8-20-09

David has had a loose tooth for a while now and yesterday morning he informed me that it was really wiggly.  I checked it and didn't think it was ready to come out.  I told him he'd really have to work on it.  That evening however, while eating dinner, he came to me and informed me that his tooth was bleeding.  I checked and sure enough it was, so I grabbed a tissue and said, okay let's give it a try, two, three...pop it came right out!  He was rather excited!  He put it under his pillow last night and just before 5:30 this morning a dream reminded me that the "Tooth Fairy" still needed to visit David.  So she  was able to make a successful retrieval of the tooth and deposited 50¢ under his pillow where he discovered it this morning!  :OP

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