Friday, August 21, 2009

David loses his first tooth 8-20-09

David has had a loose tooth for a while now and yesterday morning he informed me that it was really wiggly.  I checked it and didn't think it was ready to come out.  I told him he'd really have to work on it.  That evening however, while eating dinner, he came to me and informed me that his tooth was bleeding.  I checked and sure enough it was, so I grabbed a tissue and said, okay let's give it a try, two, three...pop it came right out!  He was rather excited!  He put it under his pillow last night and just before 5:30 this morning a dream reminded me that the "Tooth Fairy" still needed to visit David.  So she  was able to make a successful retrieval of the tooth and deposited 50¢ under his pillow where he discovered it this morning!  :OP

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

July 24th to August 3rd

The week of July 19-25 was pretty slow.  Didn’t do anything till Friday (24th).  I went to Kid to Kid for their $5 bag sale, but they didn’t have anything interesting clothes wise.  I did however find a pack ‘n play for Maggie.  It’s a travel lite in a light green color.  I also picked up a maternity belt which I haven’t exactly used yet, but will if we end up going walking a lot. 

            Saturday the 25th Anna, Cindy, and I went to the Friends of the Aurora Public Library 50% off sale.  They sell overstock and unwanted books from the Library at super discounted prices.  Anyway, I found some great stuff and picked up half a dozen Tom Clancy books for Doug (my Mom’s husband).  He’s trying to collect all his books in hardback.  After the sale we brought Anna back home and Cindy and I left for lunch.  We went to the Cheesecake Factory at the Park Meadows Mall.  We even checked out the maternity store in the Mall, but they only had one thing I really liked, but didn’t have it in my size.  Then we went to a store called “Bath Junkie”.  They have a lot of scented oils that you can mix together to make your own scent.  Cindy and I spent several hours there trying out different scent combinations that we liked.  We each found one that we really liked and made a lotion.  I also got a room spray.  It was lots of fun!  We plan on going back again soon to make a Holiday room spray.  Maybe with my Mom and Anna?!

            Sunday the 26th I didn’t end up teaching Sunday School.  There was only one other child beside mine and the parents took her to service with them so that we didn’t have to stay.  We decided to leave and go and test drive cars for fun.  We found some nice cars, but realized after stopping at several different dealers that none were open on Sunday.  Jacob got fed up with looking because he really wanted to test drive something so we quit early.  Found out later that Colorado has a law that they can't sell cars on Sundays, weird hugh?!  We picked up lunch on the way home and watched “Psych” the rest of the evening.  Sara got me Seasons 1 & 2 for my Birthday and Season 4 starts on the 7th of August.

            Monday morning the kids and I took Jacob to the airport.  He flew out to Vandenberg AFB.  He’s doing some sort of tour there this week.  He’ll be back Friday evening and the kids and I will be going to pick him up.  His flight comes in at 7:29pm.  After I dropped Jacob off the kids and I came home for a bit more breakfast.  We left a little before 10am to the Thrift Store for their 25% off sale.  We were only there for about 30 min (usually there about an hour).  Then we went to Michaels to pick up some paint colors for the mural I’m doing downstairs.  The paints are on sale this week 2 for $1!

            Tuesday July 28th, the kids and I went to my 34 wk OB appointment.  It went quickly though my doctor said that I was measuring small and wants to do an ultrasound at my 36 wk appointment (Aug 11th) to make sure baby is growing okay.  I only measured 32 cm when I should have measured 34.  So I had to reschedule that appointment and made it for later in the day so that Jacob could come and he’ll be able to watch the kids for me while I go in for my exam after!  That works nicely!  Am really looking forward seeing baby at least one more time before she arrives!

            The kids and I left at 11 for a movie at the Cinema Grill (same day).  I had invited everyone pretty much that I knew to go with us from around here.  As far as I knew I only had one confirmation and received a call a bit after we got back home from my friend Jill saying that they were coming.  Then half an hour before we left she called again and said that her kids weren’t being good so they weren’t going.  Then about 15 min later my friend Athena called and said that they weren’t ready and her brother didn’t want to go so they weren’t coming.  Anyway, we arrived at the movie half an hour early and got pretty good seats.  We only held seats for Cindy, who arrived about 15 min before the show started, only she brought her husband, so we had to rearrange seating.  Actually we had to rearrange a lot of seating because we had some very inconsiderate people sit in front of us and the little kids couldn’t see unless we moved them.  I had to get a high chair for John so he could see properly.  Anyway, as the movie started another set of our friends showed up and sat just to the side of us.  They never confirmed if they were coming or not, so we didn’t know they were.  We watched “Night at the Museum 2”. 

            We went to the dollar store afterwards and didn’t stay long, then came home.  That evening I decided to work on the mural downstairs a little bit.  I actually worked on it while watching the movie “Clue”, well more like listening to it.  I had to take a break though when the movie was over.  The kids and I then watched “Pirates 2” and went to bed when it was over.

            ~July 30th, 2009

Well, yesterday we didn’t do anything very interesting.  I pretty much just cleaned and cleaned and cleaned the house, laundry, and kids!  In between all the cleaning I watched a couple shows and in the evening the kids and I watched “Cars” while I painted some more on the mural in the playroom.  The kids went to bed a little after 9 and I didn’t go to bed till after 10.

            Jacob is still in California till tomorrow.  Today is his busiest day down there so he was already at their meeting place when I called at 7:45 (6:45 his time).  Not sure what they are doing, it’s probably all classified anyway.  He’s gonna call me when he finishes up for the day.  He’s been going out with all the people and socializing each evening, dinner, wine tasting, more eating establishments.  Not sure what they’ll do this evening, but I’m sure they’ll go out, though Jacob has to be to bed early because his flight back home leaves at 6am from Santa Maria.  He should arrive back here at 11:50.  The kids and I will take off for the airport at about 11:30 or so to go and get him.

            I got my hair cut today.  The kids were pretty well behaved considering they didn't really have anything to do there for about 45 min.  I just wanted a trim, but I found a picture that I liked and asked the lady to cut it like the picture only longer, but she didn't give me something much longer.  She ended up cutting off about 4 or 5 inches off the back of my hair so now I can't really do anything with it.  No more curls and frizz, but no more length either.  I can't braid it or put it in a ponytail that holds everything.  It's very frustrating!  All my hair is straight and very heavy despite it's thinnest so it doesn't have any body.  I have to pin it back on the sides or curl it up to look half way decent, but I don't like all the maintenance that it requires now.  I'm considering getting it cut much shorter just so I don't have to bother with it especially since Maggie is due in about a month.  Don't need the hassle of my hair with a newborn!

            August 3rd, 2009

            Friday and Saturday we went Garage Saleing.  Friday the kids and I found a few things;  I got a whicker type laundry hamper for Maggie’s room that has a removable, washable linen liner.  I also got a couple of knick-knack shelves to put all my little movie characters on.  I’m not exactly sure where to hang them though for display?!  Saturday Jacob and the kids went with me to the Ptarmigan Sale.  It’s the Community kitty-corner from our neighborhood.  They always have their annual sale the first weekend of August.  Anyway, I got some really cool stuff for the boys.  I got them a box and sack full of Imaginext models and accessories.  There is a castle, wizards tower, and tree house, plus extra characters.  They already have some of these and I found some new on clearance at Target the other day.  So this will be the boys presents for Christmas this year, plus some more Lego sets!  I gave Anna $5 and she got some Barbie stuff and a couple little babies to go with her set and a Mary Kate and Ashley movie for 25¢.  I got a hat and a couple others to decorate for Anna and Maggie.  Jacob found a JBL desk speaker set that originally retails for $299 for $15.  He’s super excited about that!  He also found a back-up Gamecube system for the kids for $20.  When we finished there we went over to the Dam Eat CS and the only thing I got there was a porcelain doll.  Back in our neighborhood there were a few more sales going so we stopped by.  I only found a Spiderman shirt for David for 50¢.  Oh I did find a couple PJ sets for the boys at the Ptarmigan Sale for $1 a piece.  They always seem to need more PJ’s.  David is growing out of most of his, just getting taller!  :O)

            The kids and I picked Jacob up from the Airport about 6:30pm.  He had a crazy morning just trying to get a flight.  His morning flight at 6am out of Santa Maria got canceled so he had to ride the bus to LA (which made him miss his morning flight out of LA to Denver).  Then the earlier flight got canceled so he wasn’t able to leave on that one and finally flew out at 2:55pm (3:55 my time).  We didn’t do much this weekend just pretty much caught up on shows we’d missed during the past week with Jacob gone.

            At Church Sunday we went to the 9am Service and I pretty much had an emotional breakdown due to a bunch of emotional, physical, and spiritual things I’m going through right now.  I probably cried off and on for about an hour and was so drained after that I asked Gretchen, one of the Children’s Coordinating helpers, if the kids (only 2) that I would be teaching could be moved down the Toddler room because I really needed to go home.  She worked it out for me and we all just came home.  I plan on serving next week.  I have a lesson all planned out with a craft and everything, it’s just kind of frustrating hanging around for only 2 or 3 kids when I have 12 copies of materials made up.  At the beginning of the summer I had 10 to 12 kids ea service.  However, school is starting back up here soon (for Aurora Public Schools) and that should bring a lot more people back to Church more regularly!

            This week we don’t really have any plans.  I’m going to get some cleaning and laundry done today.  I’m gonna have the kids help me!  There really isn’t that much, just some clutter from this weekends garage saleing that needs to be put away and some loose papers that need to be organized or tossed.  Jacob is working Monday through Wednesday.  He has Jury Duty on Thursday since the JD last month he was excused from.  Friday we are having our friends Joel and Cindy over for a roleplaying game.  We haven’t gotten together in over 2 months because Joel was doing some training.  We’re gonna get 4 games in this month!  I’m sure Jacob will really be excited about that!  

Monday, August 03, 2009

Death of a Giant Ladybug

August 3rd, 2009

Anna asked me if she could borrow some black paper.  I agreed wondering what she wanted it for.  I discovered shortly after that she was making a case for a badge that she had, you know the flip kind they always show on TV when they're flashing their badges?!  Anyway, she and David got all dressed up and started investigating a case in the front room.  John joined in a bit after (when he didn't stay down for his nap) and became their suspect.  While in being thrown in jail, to await interrogation, John was injured and the case quickly went cold because the agent got in trouble for roughing up his suspect.  Now they are playing Legos instead.