Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Last Day of April 2008

Can you believe this is the last day of April??? Crazy how time flies sometimes!!!

Well, I've been debating on writing the last couple days, just not sure what to write about...I guess I've got writers block! I guess I could write about everything we've been up to lately, but have been a bit discouraged about writing about it all since I've kind of gotten shot down the last couple times I've sent updates...I know this isn't an e-mail, but still, I think of this as my personal link to all my family and friends.

I wish that I could say I had anything interesting really to talk about. I guess I'll just write an update.....Friday evening Jacob got back a little earlier than expected (he caught an earlier flight). Saturday we spend the day running errands...Sunday we didn't go to Church because Anna got ill and we wanted her to take it easy all day. I did get out to Walmart to get my last bottle of pills filled. I was also able to pick up two movies, "Cloverfield"and "Charlie Wilson's War". I wouldn't waste your time with either one! We also went to Toys R Us and got two video games with a coupon that that I got last week in the mail. Monday I went to the Thrift Store with David and got him some pants, met Sara there, but didn't stay because long I started to feel ill myself. Yesterday we finally got the call that's Jacob's tires were in...we took off to Costco real quick and got his new tires. (That sure was cutting is close because our membership is up there tomorrow!) Fortunately they were open till 8:30 pm. Jacob really needed the tires for his car, they were almost completely bald. When we got back home I got rather irritated with the messy state of the garage and decided to go through things and take a load of stuff to the Thrift Store. I took two large store sacks full and a shelf. I also took the wingback over to my sisters...her husband really likes that chair, now all we need to do is take the couch over there, but we are having trouble removing John's seat from the van because the cable underneath that allows you to remove it came loose and it doesn't work. Jacob is going to fix it, but he just didn't have the time last night or the proper tools he thinks.

Tonight the kids and I have Awana. It's 'Super Hero Night'. We probably won't be staying for the whole thing again this evening. I'm just so tired all the time! I am just not recovering very well from the first of the months issue, either that or I have a completely seperate problem that hasn't been diagnosed yet. I have a follow up appointment tomorrow from my procedure two weeks ago and hopefully will get my current symptoms addressed or referred to someone else that can take care of it. The pain is driving me nuts and I'm tired of it, no pain meds are working and it seems to only be getting worse. I'm not sure anymore where the pretty much constant nausea is coming from, this pain/ condition, or the medication that I'm still taking for another month. Like I said, hopefully we can get this figured out because all this constant pain is fatiguing me like crazy. I just want to be able to function normally again!!!

Yesterday I also went to the Dentist. I was there for 2 hours because after much adjustment to the previously filled tooth and another x-ray to my teeth the doc figured I probably did have some leakage under my tooth so he wanted to do a filling. Turns out the tooth was decaying, after he opened it up, and hopefully after the soreness from all the 5 or shots he had to give me to numb up the tooth goes away I'll finally be able to chew on that side again! Let's just hope this is the last appointment other than getting my teeth cleaned that I'll need to have for the next 6 months. I still need to schedule check-ups for the kids and a cleaning/check-up for Jacob.

Athena is being every so helpful to me today and picking up Anna from school for me. The boys are still down for their nap and I didn't want to wake them so she agreed to go and pick her up. My abdomen is really hurting me too, so this helps with moving around so much, though it seems to help to change positions every now and then. Thanks Athena!!! :OP

I took some time today to work on Birthday cards for the next couple months. I don't have all of them done as I don't seem to have enough cards for everyone! I might just get my art stuffs out and make some cards myself instead of just buying them...There are so many birthdays though in the next couple months I can only do about two or three months in advance because my card holder just isn't big enough to hold them all. I think there are about 105 Birthdays and Anniversaries coming up in the next 8 months that I need to make cards for! Wow! I didn't realize there were that many (I went and counted them.)!

Well, I'm not sure what else is going on today. Jacob is at work, so we'll wait to have dinner till he gets home. He doesn't get off for another two hours. I'll have to write more when stuff happens. Talk to you all soon! Good day!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Following the Little House Example

I was watching Little House on the Prairie this morning and it made me think, why can't people be more like the people in Walnut Grove? When someone is ill, or needs some money, when times are hard, or something just goes wrong the whole town bands together to help who ever it is that needs the help! Why can't life be like that now?!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Cuter than a bugs ear!


I can hardly believe that it's almost May! The year is slipping away...

Well, I'm probably going to be posting more listing than usual on's been almost four months since I've posted anything. I haven't posted much since I like to write everyone individually, but I'm starting to think that posting everything I want to say here is a much better idea. And I changed my blog name...I wanted something more imaginative for a title and since my Mom still tells me every now and then that 'I'm cuter than a bugs ear' I guess it fits! :O)

We got a new game yesterday "Super Smash Bros." Jacob says it's a total button masher! We got it because when we were playing "Mario Party 8" yesterday I was complaining that their wasn't enough button mashing going on, so...Jake's gonna take it through the story mode first to unlock all the characters and then we'll play matches against each other. He's playing Kirby right now...he's such a cute little pink ball on air!

Jacob is off today and tomorrow, then goes back to work Wed. through Sat., day shift this week and next. It's been nice having him off since he was gone almost all of last week! I'm not looking forward to his next two trips (in June/July), but at least the next ones about a month and a half away...

The boys have been watching shows down stairs this morning. John is currently snuggled in his dad's lap, sucking his thumb, and watching Jacob play "Smash Bros.". It's pretty cute! David is building a castle with the mega blocks.

Anna only has a 4 day week this week! I'm pretty excited about that! Another chance to sleep in Friday. Next week is Anna's school's final Book Faire. We'll be going to check that out! I have big plans for Anna this summer as far as schooling goes. I heard that kids loose 20% off what they learned in school over the summer due to inactivity of the brain, so we are going to have her do a journal each day, work on vocabulary, reading, and I'm gonna have her go through a math workbook in 2nd/3rd grade level! It won't be as long as school, but she really needs to keep up with the reading because she's still a bit behind and she doesn't like math and if Jacob works with her she'll probably get a little more into it. He's much better at math than me, I only got worse the higher I got!

I plan to leave here in a few minutes to go and check out the thrift store. Need to get David some pants. He's worn holes in all his jeans knees. And it's 25% off today at the Unique. So, so long for now...