Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Likes & Dislikes...A Reference Sheet For Those Who Don't Know Me All That Well!!!

Things I like:

is my favorite Season~

I love leaves!
The changing colors of this season are awesome!
I prefer the darker autumn colors:


I love ladybugs!
They make me happy!

cheer me up!

are really cute!


Chickadees, sparrows, robins, wrens!
Small cute birds are really neat!

My favorite chocolates are:

Dove Milk Chocolate

Chocolate Covered Almonds
by Dove

Black Licorice
is yummy!

Olive Garden
is Great!

Texas Roadhouse
Yum!!! :O)
(I'm a steak and potatoes kinda girl!)

Chinese Food is good too!
LD Buffet
PF Chang's

Cici's Pizza

for things like candles, sachets, etc.
Mandarin Cranberry
(Yankee Candle Co.)
(depends on where you get 'em)
Cranberry Mandarin

I like pens!
Papermate Profile
in blue
are my favorite!
They're bold and beautiful! :O)
(Don't like fine pens!)

From Bath and Body Works!
Magnolia Blossom

I like GOLD the best!

I love to go to the Movies!
The Movie Tavern
Southlands Stadium 16
(all the theaters above show new movies before 6 for $5, yay!!!)
Cinema Grill
(even cheaper)

Gift Certificate ideas:
(for the areas above obviously, but here's a few others)
Boarders Books


I dislike:

Lighter Blues:
Especially Turquoise
And NO White!!!

White and Dark Chocolate!

(I like to look at it, but don't wear it!)
And No Silver!!!


Can't eat Mexican
(It doesn't like me.)

I'll update this more later,
but this all I could think of off the top of my head!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

What I've Learned So Far...

Everybody Needs Somebody
(or at least let them know they care)
All the Time!!!
~~~I think I have learned a bit through what we are going through. Not so much about the decisions we've made, which we believe were divine, but through the thoughts and feelings that we have been having through all this and the way we feel people are treating us. It's made me reevaluate my attitude towards the way we treat people in need, family and friends in particular!
~I've realized that we may have treated our friends the same way we are currently being treated when they were going through a difficult spell. It makes me sick to think that we may have done this...which is to ignore them and now have them ignore us.
~Let me clarify a bit's not that I intentionally ignore them
(ignore is so harsh a term), but when you don't know what to do (I've noticed) (especially if you don't have the finances to help out), people have a tendency to keep their distance from people until the hurting person and or family are out of the woods. (It isn't made too difficult if you don't attend Church or have regular contact with them.) But I don't think that people realize how much it hurts to not have contact with their friends or even think they care. And a lot of us don't seem to realize this until we are in the same or similar situation they were once in.
~It's a comfort thing. People just feel too uncomfortable around people that are in trouble, especially when you can't do anything about their situation other than just pray! However, that is where the error lies! Your family and friends need to know that you care! They need to know that you are thinking about them and praying for them, constantly! People need to know that they aren't alone in the world! They need to know that they are loved and needed! They need to know that there are people our there who are willing to help them out!
~There are so many little things that you can do for them even if you can't afford to buy them new tires for their car, or a new large appliance, or financially help out with what ever trial they may be going through.
~What you can do...Send them an e-mail to let them know you care. Or even better, send them a card with a personal note you penned yourself. Or give them a call! It doesn't have to be long, just a quick chat to let them know you're thinking about them. And to top all these, drop by their house to say 'Hi!' (and don't get offended if they don't ask you in, not all of us can keep our houses company worthy 24/7). Just a quick stop to let them know you were on their mind and you wanted to see them and ask how they are!
~~~Other ideas:
~Send flowers to brighten someones day (just make sure they aren't allergic first). Even better is if you know what their favorite flowers are...send those!
~Drop by their favorite chocolates or any other treat that you know they enjoy to let them know you are thinking about them!
~Or bring by a basket with the B.R.A.T.Y diet, tissues, and a movie/book/magazines, etc. if their under the weather! (B= Bananas, R= Rice, A= Applesauce, T= Toast, Y=Yogurt).
~Offer to babysit their kids at their house if they need to run some errands or just need some quality time with their spouse. (Most of the reason people don't take you up on babysitting is because you won't do it at their house where obviously it is the most convenient for them!)
~Offer to drive them to run errands if they don't know their way around!
~Offer to clean their house or help them organize if their having a really rough time for whatever reason.
~~~These are just a few ideas, I'll post more later, but you get the idea! Just be creative!~~~ ***Remember even the smallest gesture can make or break a persons day!!!***
I have actually thought about calling all my friends and apologizing to them for not keeping in better contact and or distancing myself from them in their time(s) of need. It's not that I don't think about my friends, because I do constantly. I wonder how they/you are all the time!!! It's just makes it difficult when you write and write and write and hardly anyone writes back. Then you think, why should I keep in contact when they don't seem to care, they don't write me (or at least that's the way I feel anyway, though it may not, and probably is not the truth)???
I just like to write and talk to people!
I want you to know how we are.
I want to know how you are too,
so that we can be part of each others lives
even if we are far apart
or just down the street!!!

I know every one of us lead very different and busy lives, we just need to let other people know that we are thinking about them, so no one has to feel alone! We need to offer a helping hand if we can, or a listening ear, or maybe a shoulder to cry on, if you don't have the means to do anything else.
It just hurts when you don't think anyone cares!!!
I have a tendency to pull farther and farther away from people (when we are going through trials) hoping one day they will call, or write, or stop by to let me know that they do care and are there for me and my family. And I'm starting to think that's what other people are doing too! But because of this I have hardly talked to any of my friends here in Aurora in a month. And a couple of them live not 5 minutes drive from my house. It's crazy, but I've been isolating myself (not all intentionally due to one vehicle), waiting to hear from any of them to let me know that they care...and unfortunately I haven't.
~I did talk to a friend of mine yesterday when I stopped by to drop off some things at her house. I found out she's been going through a lot with her sister and she hasn't even been to church in weeks either. This last Sunday was her first Sunday back in 3 weeks (we've been out 4 and will continue to be until we get our van back). I didn't know that she was having a rough time too, but I didn't take the time to put in a phone call or stop by because I've been too selfish and hurt about all we are going through, to even take the time to think that other people might need a little help and encouragement too!
Well all that is going to change!!!
I am sorry if I have ignored you in anyway!!!
I am sorry if I have made you feel like I don't care!!!
I do care about you!
And I am going to try from this moment on to let you all know that I care,
even if it's only a little way,
that is within my means!

I know this is a novel, but as I write this I'm learning even more!
Maybe it will open your eyes a bit more too! :O)
***Thank you to those of you who have been thinking and praying for us!
We really appreciate it and continue to need all we can get!***
God Bless!