Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Time Sure Flies

I can hardly believe the month is half over. It seems like I was just writing at the first of the month saying that the month would fly by and see...I was right! :O)

John went down for an early nap today. For some reason he has caught another cold and has his nasty cough back. I also gave him a dose of his neb. medicine. We were actually approved for a new machine that, turns out, is wholly covered by our insurance. So we have a new nebulizer machine for John and a little over 3 boxes of medicine for him whenever his breathing acts up.

Tonight the kid and I have Awana. This is the last night of the Can Can race to collect food for needy families. Next week there is no Awana for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Anna has Wed-Sunday off. Jacob is taking Friday and Saturday off (23/24) for his Birthday. He'll have a 5 day weekend.

We are going to be celebrating Thanksgiving on Jacob's Birthday the 24th (Saturday), plus I think he might be having the guys over for a gaming night. If he doesn't I might just run a mission for him so he can get a game in without having to run it himself. He's always running the games (he's just really good at it, Jake has a great imagination and is really good at improvisation).

Speaking of Birthdays. David's 4th Birthday is Monday the 19th. We are having a party for him at 3:30. Gives those friends who are in school time to get over to our house after school. We are having a Spiderman party for David. I didn't really set a time frame for the party. But I'm guessing probably about an hour and half or so. The kids always have so much fun playing. I don't have any actual games thought up for them, but I'm hoping the whether is nice so the kids can go outside and play for awhile. Plus I was hoping to have the Pinata hung from a tree outback. I was also thinking of contacting friends that have said they are coming to see if they would let their kids wear a super hero type costume. David has a Spiderman costume and we have many others that Anna could wear. Will just give kids another opportunity to wear their costumes out for fun, other than Halloween. We'll see. I think I'm going to ask my sister about it.

I'm hoping to go out after Thanksgiving shopping on Friday. I am getting rather anxious. There isn't really anything that I am looking for, but they have such great deals that day, I will probably end up being up at 4 again this year.

The boys and I heading out after John gets up from his nap. I think we'll be heading to the Mall for a few, then to Walmart to look for a Pinata and maybe the Party store. I haven't found everything that I want for David's Party yet. Hopefully we'll be able to find the stuff in the next couple days. I want to have everything ready by this Saturday if possible.

I better go though. There are a few chores that I would like to get done today and hopefully most done before John gets up. I'll try and write more soon!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Never a Dull Day

Well, just when you think the day is going to be a regular day something unexpected happens. Let me explain. Yesterday was going pretty well. I went and did some running around with the boys and took some stuff back to Target. Then I checked out the after Halloween items again and score 90% off. We got a few items and then I decided that we would head to the other Target over on Havana to check them out (for some reason they don't seem to get as much business as the other Target's, but they carry as much stuff as the larger 24/7 stores). We found all sorts of great deals there and the boys got some costumes for next year and the year after! (Anna already has a bunch of dress-up stuff. She's set for the next couple years too!) Anyway, we got back home around 11 and David had to go and use the restroom. I put John down for a nap and David comes to me to say that he needed some help in the bathroom. Sometimes he tends to use too much toilet paper and this was one of those times. I tried to flush the toilet, but big mistake. The toilet starts overflowing, and flowing, and flowing. Big huge mess. It finally stopped and I had to use a whole roll of paper towels to get it cleaned up. Then I employed the use of this little fan I had to dry the floor, then after it dried I sprayed and washed the floor again, then when that dried, I sprayed it w/ sanitizer pray. So overall probably an hours worth of cleaning. Cleaning bathrooms is one of my least favorite house cleaning issues.
Today we got out again. We never seems to have all the groceries that we need, plus this last shopping trip we didn't get everything. I wanted to make Philly cheese steak, but didn't have all the ingredients. After dropping Anna off as school we had to come back home to address a couple eBay issues. Then the boys and I took off for Walmart. We went and got everything on my list and even found a really great deal on diapers (you can never have too many diapers). We actually almost ran out the other day, now we have plenty of backups.
When we got back home I got everything put away and was about to start cutting up some peppers (for the quick making of philly cheese steak later) when the door bell rang and the front door opened. And who should be at the door, but Jacob. Yeah, Jacob came home for lunch and was being silly by ringing the door bell. Anyway, I was sort of bumming because I wanted to make cheese steaks for dinner, but I have a girls night out tonight. However since Jacob came home for lunch we made cheese steaks for lunch! Yay! It actually wasn't too bad for my first time making it. Jacob said he wanted a bit more cheese. I wanted a thinner cut of meat and the veggies cooked a bit longer, but over all not too bad!
Jacob started his Wed-Sat work schedule yesterday (of course), but he informed me last night that he now has to be at work at 5am. He isn't too happy about it. He already has a hard enough time waking up at 5, but now he is getting up at 4. The good thing about it is that he gets to come home at 3:30, so he gets home at 4. He gets off at 3:30 because he has to take a mandatory 30 min lunch. Getting off earlier is cool though!
I have to go and get Anna from school in about an hour. David is very bored for some reason. He just got finished watching Diego and Dora. We are now watching Iron Chef America. He was looking at a book earlier, but for some reason it fell apart. I need to put it back together.
Hope you are all well! Will try and write more often. I haven't written since February. Can you believe it? Crazy!!! :O)