Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Little Update from December to January 19th

I started this letter the week I got back and then while cleaning up my desktop and then emptying my trash bin I accidentally got rid of the whole letter that I’d started (it was like two pages). I’ve been spending a lot of time with Jacob because he’s been getting home from work at 3pm. That’s about 15 min after the kids get home from school so we get to spend a lot more time together.

We had a great time visiting family and ended up staying on vacation longer than originally planned. We didn’t get home till the 2nd of January. We stayed with Jacob’s mom Beth in Utah for three nights total, his mom Vonnie 3 nights, and then in Lewiston for 8 nights. We got to hang out with family quite a bit and took my family out for meals a couple times. The last day we were in town I took my Mom out for lunch before we left to head back home, John came with us.

We’ve changed a few of our nightly activities since we’ve been back. We are trying to eat dinner at the dinging room table every night, except for one night a week we do a movie night and have pizza in front of the TV. We’ve also started reading half an hour to 45 minutes with the kids before bed. We’ve finished a couple different books already! One book series in particular I decided to read ahead on because it’s so interesting; it’s about dragons. The kids really like them too! I’m actually on book 2 of the trilogy. (Finished book 2, waiting for book 3 to arrive in the mail any day now.)

Since we’ve been back we’ve been doing more and more laundry too. We are trying to potty train John and have had him in regular undies so we have to do a small load of soiled clothes each night. He just doesn’t seem to be interested in potty training at all! Plus I’ve had to do a bit more of my own laundries because I’m trying to work out a bit more and unfortunately I really sweat a lot when I work out!

On Wednesday the 13th two of my girlfriends came over for a visit. I thought it was just going to be a chatting session, but turns out they were honoring my Birthday a day early. I got a gift card from each, Jill brought me my favorite cheesecake and Athena brought me some sunflowers and balloons, and a yummy soup and rolls for lunch. It was really nice to them!!! We had a good visit too, though it wasn’t long enough…

My Birthday was last Thursday the 14th; I turned 31. Jacob took the day off and I got to do a bit of running around with him and the kids. We also went and got some Chinese take-home so that we could eat it more than once. It was really good! I didn’t get my Birthday dessert till Friday the 15th when we took the kids to a movie at the Cinema Grill (it’s a discount theater here in town that serves meals while you watch a show); we watched "Planet 51".

Jacob only worked half a day on Friday then had Saturday through today off because of the Holiday. It’s been nice having him home so much!

Saturday the 16th we went to the Denver Zoo. We got there about noon and stayed till a little after 3. We had debated trying out a new Church that evening when we got home, but decided against it and ended up watching our last disc of Psych Season 3. A little before 6 our doorbell went ‘dink’. We were really curious who would be coming by so late, we weren’t expecting anyone. Turns out that Jacob was scheduled to play his RPG with his guy friends and had totally forgotten about it (it wasn’t on the calendar). Fortunately the house wasn’t too messy and we were able to get most things picked up by the time everyone else arrived about half an hour later. Jacob ended up playing till after 10pm. He had lots of fun!

Yesterday I got Maggie some baby cereal and decided to see if she’d like it. She actually took it better than I thought she would. She even had some this evening while we were eating dinner and tried out baby applesauce too. The applesauce was too sour for her, she didn’t take it as well as the cereal. She’s getting much better with her eye hand coordination too and rolling over a bit more, though not very consistently.

Today I went out and did a bit of shopping with my friend Cindy. We were in Target for a really long time. We didn’t even notice how long we were there until I finally looked at my watch and realized that we’d been there for over and hour. We wrapped up our browsing and moved on to our next destination. We went to two more stores; which we were in and out of in less than 45 minutes. Pretty quick by our shopping standards! :O)

Anna went over to my friend Athena’s to play with her daughter for a couple hours shortly after I got back home.

~January 19th

I’m trying to get some chores done today. It doesn’t look like I’ve really done anything around here, though I’ve done dishes, cleaned the kitchen, done laundry, organized the laundry room, and put baby clothes away (yesterday I stocked up on a bunch of clothes for Maggie for $1.75 and a few other items for under $3, score!).

Not sure what I’m going to make for dinner tonight. I have some hamburger thawing out, but I’m torn between a couple different meal ideas.

The kids are going to be out of school here in about 3 min. I have to go and meet them at the street in about ten minutes. Jacob won’t be getting off of work until 4:30 tonight since he stayed home this morning to watch the boys for me so I could go to a doctors appointment. He’s been getting home around 3 usually, which is really wonderful! He’ll be home the rest of the week at 3 though; no more doctors appointments this week, yay!

Well I’ve gotten the kids. For some reason they are taking 5 min longer to get to our street than they used to; I’ve told them they need to move faster. I’ve also decided that I’m going to make stroganoff over rice w/ green beans and corn for dinner; I’ll have to start that here in about 30 minutes or so.

Maggie is on her belly fussing, she doesn’t want to be there! I’m not sure why she just doesn’t just flip over, she knows how.

Anna is doing her homework finally. She decided to dress up and has procrastinated a bit too much. I’m not sure what all she is going to need to do today since she didn’t have school yesterday with the Holiday and all.

David has decided to sit and watch some talk shows with me. I just finished watching “The Bonnie Hunt Show” and now I’m watching “Rachael Ray”. He’s also playing with this little game right now and not really paying attention to the show.

John has for some reason decided to put on pjs. Whenever is just starts getting sort of dark out he thinks he needs to go and put his jammies on. It’s kind of overcast right now; it should be getting dark here in about an hour anyway. We aren’t going anywhere tonight so pjs are okay.

Jacob will be home in about 45 minutes. I need to go and get some laundry out of the drier and start dinner in a few minutes. I also need to take care of some kid issues.

An interesting quote from David age 4.

3/25/08 ~ "Wow, there are humans walking on the sidewalk!" :O)