Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Update... September 1st through the 6th

Well, it’s the 1st of the September and I’m officially 39 wks pregnant!  Had my 39 wk OB visit this morning, but it wasn’t very promising progression wise, though she said I was about 50% effaced as opposed to what I was before (not sure what that was).  We aren’t going to induce on the 3rd like I’d originally thought/planned.  After much discussion with many people and thinking it through, then not really feeling all that comfortable with any one decision we decided to wait till next week to get induced if I don’t go into labor on my own.  We’re supposed to be at the Hospital at 9pm on Tuesday night and we should have Maggie on 9/9/09.  But like I said that’s only if I don’t go into labor on my own before hand.

Anyway, I was rather bummed about not having progressed.  I had contractions off and on all day Sunday, some yesterday and some today through my back, but apparently it’s only thinning me out.  I’d really like Maggie to come on her own; this waiting game however is just driving me crazy!

Sunday we went to the Mile High Flea Market.  It was really cool!  We arrived a little after 8am to get in with our free tickets, but hardly anyone was set up till about 10.  We only stayed about an hour and a half longer once we realized that we couldn’t access our savings account with our debit card, no money, no shopping!  It was a real bummer cause I really wanted to keep looking around.  We didn’t make it around to everyone, I didn’t really see the point if we couldn’t buy anything.  We will hopefully go again this weekend with my Mom!

Speaking of which my Mom will be here tomorrow afternoon!  I’m so excited!  The morning will progress like usual, but when the kids get out of school I’ll be waiting for them in the van and we’ll head directly to the Airport to pick up Mom!  She’ll be here till the 11th, next Friday.  Her flight leaves late Friday night, so if we have Maggie early Wednesday morning she’ll have a couple days at least with her before she leaves.  I hope to be sent home from the Hospital that evening or afternoon if they’ll let me.  Don’t really want to have to stay a whole day if I don’t have to.  We’ll see how it goes though…

            I’ve spent the last couple days cleaning house;  I’ve done a lot.  I broke it down into things to get done on different days and am just down to a few more items to check off my list.  Today the only remaining things are to have the kids pick up all their toys outside and get the lawn mown, which Jacob will do this evening.

            Tomorrow I’m going to sweep the concrete outback and part of the front.  I think it may be easier to just spray off the driveway versus sweeping it.  Sure wish I had a leaf blower that would be so much faster!  I’ll probably have the kids pick up pinecones this evening so that the spraying will be easier tomorrow and so Jacob doesn’t suck any up in the mower.  They like doing that for a treat!  I also need to wash all the windows and vacuum the main floor carpets if it needs it.

            Yesterday I washed the main floor carpets in the dining room and family room, Jacob did the stairs for me so that I wouldn’t be working on that a whole other half an hour.  I’ve done a bunch of other stuff to, but I won’t list it.  I’m just glad we plan to stay here for a really long time because the thought of having to have the house ready for a showing or ‘Open House’ all the time would really drive me crazy!

            Tonight I’m making stroganoff for dinner.  Last night I made homemade pizza.  I’m hoping Jacob will let us eat out tomorrow night since Mom will be here.  I don’t really want to have to do a whole lot of cooking this week or next.  I was going to go grocery shopping today, but when I called my Mom this morning to give her the update on the whole baby thing she mentioned that she could go with me.  So I’m gonna wait to go grocery shopping till Thursday when Jacob gets paid.  I don’t have tip money right now anyway; I only have a bit of change in my wallet.

            Not sure exactly what we are going to do once my Mom is here.  I know there are a lot of places that I’d like to go and window shop at least.  We’ll have to talk it over tomorrow after she gets here.  She may just want to spend the evening in since she won’t really have slept that day.  I’m hoping she gets a bit of a nap on the plane so she can get some rest!

            I don’t really have any other plans other than cleaning today and tomorrow till Mom gets here; just the same old, same old stuff going on.

            It’s 8:03 and I need to kill about 2 hours before I head to bed.  I’m not tired, I’m too wired from all the work I’ve been doing the last couple hours.  I ended up mowing the lawn and weed wacking it myself.  Jacob came home and informed me that he is getting sick so he’ll probably be taking Thursday off of work to try and get some rest before we head into our busy weekend, though I’m not sure he’ll be doing anything if he’s sick.  I also cleaned off the concrete out front and back so that I don’t have to do it tomorrow.  That only leaves washing all the windows, vacuuming the floors, getting fuel for my van and getting it washed, and cleaning up all the extras around that don’t need to be cluttering up the house.  That and all the regular things that I do with walking kids to school and back home, fixing meals, etc. I need to go and pick Jacob up some medicine tomorrow while I’m out getting the van done.  I need to get fuel and get it washed before heading out the Airport; I think I’ll take it in the morning w/ the boys, they’ll like going through the carwash, they were asking me about going to one about a week ago and since I need the fuel and want the van to look nice for Mom I guess I’ll get it done, even though I have to pay for it.  Not sure why a basic car wash is so expensive?!  At least it will look better than if I try and do it myself at home, it just never turns out right (I think it's our hard water)!

            So the house is pretty much clean now.  It will have taken me about 4 days to get it to the state that I finally want it in.  Too bad I did most all the work myself!  That’s why I’m in such a bad mood this evening!  I listed about 3 items (out of 2 full pages worth of work) that I wanted other people to do, but ended up doing almost all of them myself.  The kids still need to pick up the playroom in the morning; it’s not too bad, just a few items that need to be put back where they belong.

            September 2nd, 2009

Well, I decided to run to the store this morning to get a few medicines.  Jacob is home from work sick today and I picked him up some of that stuff that’s supposed to make you get over your illness faster and cut down on the symptoms and severity.  Hopefully it works!  I also picked up some character Band-Aids for the kids.  I’ll probably put some of those in my purse, though I already have a bunch, just not character ones.

            I stopped and got fuel this morning, but not a car wash.  Everywhere that had a wash was 10¢ more than places that didn’t so I just washed the van when I got home.  I just need to wash the interior windows and switch John’s seat to the back and it will be all set for picking up Mom after school today.

In about 20 min I’m going to get the boys lunch, usually by the time they are done eating it’s time to take David to school, so time will move pretty quickly.  Then John goes down for a nap and I need to wash all the windows, vacuum the main floor carpeting, and declutter a bit.  I might end up watching a couple of my design shows before going to pick up the kids, we’ll see.  I might find something else that I’d like to get done before I have to leave to pick up the kids…

            September 5th, 2009

We have been super busy since Mom got here!  We’ve been out most every day running around till later in the evening.  We’ve been all over the place and pretty much gone everywhere on the list we made up of things to do.  Today we spent the majority of the day at the “Mile High Flea Market” and unfortunately I got burnt (didn’t think I’d need sunscreen, big mistake).  My legs and feet are swollen up like a balloon and my feet hurt.  I wore tennis shoes today, which probably wasn’t the best idea in the world, I thought it better to walk around all day in them versus flip-flops.  After the Flea Market we went to “Bass Pro Shop” and watched the fish in the big tank.  Jacob, Anna, and David climbed the climbing wall.  John wanted to, but he isn’t tall enough.  After there we stopped at several other places we finally ate something at Fat Burger just before 5.  I’m hoping I don’t get heartburn.  We are home now and I’ve lotioned myself up with Goldbond that has some aloe in it, plus my feet are up and I’m in a bit more comfortable clothes!

            No news on Maggie yet.  I had been thinking there was something significant about today and that maybe she would come today, but I’m not having consistent contractions and my water hasn’t broken, so more than likely nothing is going to happen today, even after walking, and walking, and walking all day long!  I have been up since 4:30 this morning.  Not sure why I just can’t seem to sleep anymore?!  I’m debating whether I want to go to Church tomorrow.  There really is no reason not to other than that I’ll have to face everyone at 39 wks 5 days prego w/ no sign of going into labor in the near future and my attitude right now just doesn’t want to deal with all the people asking me how I’m doing!  I’m not horrible; just don’t really want to comment!  We’ll see how I feel tomorrow?!  Maybe Jacob doesn’t want to go and spread his illness, which he still seems to be suffering from, not really sure he’s even contagious anymore?!  No plans for tomorrow;  I guess we’ll have to wait and see…

            September 6th, 2009

Sorry yesterdays update was so blah!  I guess I was just worn out from lack of sleep and being out in the hot, hot sun most of the day.  I’m feeling much better today.  Have spent most of the day lounging in my chair and even elevated my feet for a bit once to bring down the swelling in my legs/feet which doesn’t seem to want to permanently go away!?  Jacob took Anna, David, and John to the pool earlier, but on the way there John had an accident and skinned his knee up again (same knee as the first day of school that wasn’t completely healed).  Jacob brought him home and after cleaning him up he went down for a nap to get his mind off of it.  He’s much better now that he’s up!  Am not sure what else we are going to do today.  Mom and I might head out for a couple hours, but I haven’t decided yet...