Saturday, May 30, 2009

May 2009

May 1st~

Jacob and I went and watched a movie “X-Men Origins: Wolverine”. My friend Jill watched the kids so we could go together. I actually have it worked out with her to kid swap, so if she wants to get out we’ll watch her kids and visa versa. It’s been working out really well and doesn’t cost us $40 a pop every time we want to go out and do something!

3 Sundays this month I have or am serving in John’s class at Church. I have to talk with the lady that does scheduling though cause I’m scheduled to serve once in June and July as well, but as of June 14th John will move up to the 3’s class, David to Kindergarten, and Anna to 4th grade, so I want to be moved up with them instead of serving in the 2’s still. I think I’m going to see if maybe one Sunday a month I can actually teach the class instead of just helping. John’s class is so boring and I think I can make it much more interesting for everyone! Anna usually stays in his class and helps too when I’m in there, so she could just be my helper instead of needing extra help or maybe even Jacob could help, but I haven’t talked to him about that, I actually just thought about it just now.

On the 4th, 6th, and 7th I went and played tennis at the courts here in our Community. My friend Athena wanted to play and we played the 4th and 7th. Jacob and I played the 6th. John biffed it on the courts the first day though and scraped up his forehead and nose really good. It looked awful the next day when it all dried up. Yikes! Unfortunately he didn’t wait for it to heal all the way and pealed it all off by the end of the week. I’m hoping that it heals completely eventually it still looks slightly pink cause the scab was removed prematurely.

Friday the 8th I had a Girls Night Out at my house. 8 ladies came and we all has a great time eating, chatting, and playing a game called ‘Catch Phrase’. It’s really fun! Basically you try to describe a word, phrase, or person as best you can without saying that word, phrase, or person. You can use words or act it out! It’s really hilarious! Every time we’ve played it’s gone on for hours and nobody wanted to stop, but it just gets to late and people need to head home. I actually found the game on eBay here yesterday and was able to purchase the original version and the Jr. version together cause the kids really want to play, but the adult version is to hard, so that was cool. Should get them later this week!

The 9th, in the morning, Jacob went over to talk to our tenants about buying the house from us. They are very interested and just need to work on a few credit issue then we can hopefully starting working on the process of selling it to them so we don’t have to worry about it anymore! Jacob was back by 9:45 and I took off to the 10:30 showing of “Star Trek”. It was really good! I got back just in time for Jacob and his friend Joel to take off to go and watch it at another theater. (Joel came over just after I left and played some video games with Jacob.)

Tuesday the 12th Anna and David had a Dental Appointment. Turns out Anna has 4 more cavities that need to be fixed. One crown and 3 fillings. That will be done next month. We actually already knew about the 3 cavities, but that was over 6 months ago and our insurance ran out, so now one has progressed so much it requires the crown. She had to get 2 crowns a couple weeks before this cause one of her teeth broke and had to get a crown to fix it and one of her other teeth was so bad it needed one too! We are really pushing the brushing now every night before bed. David however had 20 perfectly beautiful teeth the Dentist said, though she said in the next 6 months or so he’ll probably lose his front two bottom teeth. Apparently they usually do between 5 and 6 and he’s at the 5 1/2 point, so it could be any time, though they aren’t loose that I know of?!

David had his Kindergarten Orientation on the 14th. Jacob took a half a day to help me with the kids, for some reason that whole week they were really testing the boundaries on every issue and I was at my whit’s end. We got all his paperwork filled out and a meeting set up to meet with the K-teachers in August when he starts. We won’t know till end of August whether he gets morning or afternoon Kindergarten.

Starting the 4th of the month I began working on putting together a garage sale for the 15th and 16th. So those two days we held our sale here. It went really well the first day. Made about $26 bucks and hour. However Saturday was really, really slow and brought my hourly rate down to just shy of $21 an hour I think. I was only $8 shy of making my garage sale average of $300. That was my only sale for the year though. Our community usually does a sale the first weekend of August, but since I’ll be 34 1/2 weeks pregnant I decided I didn’t want to wait that long, plus I wanted the money to be able to start buying stuff for baby. All my leftovers when to the Goodwill and will for the rest of the year, unless it’s something that I think ‘Kid to Kid’ might take for some store credit. (Kid to Kid is a kids resale shop here in town that takes used toys, clothes, maternity, baby items that you can get cash or in store credit for.) I actually already turned some stuff in and used it when purchasing the car seat I got. At 11 on Saturday the Reeds (the friends we’re swapping sitting with) dropped their kids off so they could go and get some errands run. The kids were over for a little over 2 hours. Usually 3 hours is their limit for playing together before people start freaking out at each other, but they were all ready to be separated by the time Drew and Megan’s parents arrived back here to pick them up.

I had my 24 wk OB visit on the 20th. I was actually 24 weeks on the 19th, but my original appointment got moved to Wednesday because the OB had scheduled a surgery for that morning. Anyway, I usually arrive 10/15 min early and ended up waiting a whole hour over my appointment time cause the OB ended up having another surgery that morning as well. The boys actually did really well for having to wait an hour and 15+ minutes for my appointment that usually only lasts 5 to 10 minutes. I had to tell the OB that I’d be bringing the kids to most of my appointments cause Jacob works almost every Tuesday until my due date and we no longer have family here in town to watch them. (Jill (Drew and Megans Mom) lives too far away to make dropping them off over there worth it.) I found out that after my next appointment at 28 wks my appointments move from every 4 wks to every 2wks, then at 35 wks they move to every week. Anna is out of school as of the 9th of June (last day, gets out at 10:30 am), so I’ll be bringing all the kids with me to most of my appointments. My 28 wk appointment is the one that I have to do my glucose test and get my blood drawn that always gets the kids eyes bulging! It’s pretty funny! :O)

This last Saturday, the 23rd, we had a BBQ Birthday Party for Anna and John. We had two families over that couldn’t make it to our formal party today (30th). It was a good time though. We used our grill we got several weeks ago and grilled up burger and hotdogs and the kids played and adults chatted. There was tons of food and cupcakes for dessert. Before the party though Anna and were able to make it to a garage sale that a family from Church was having cause they are moving and then we booked it over to Old Navy cause I found out they have maternity clothes and I’ve been having the darndest time finding anything to fit me! They didn’t have a very large selection though, but I did find some bra tanks that are so super comfortable!

Sunday afternoon the Reeds watched the kids for us again so that we could go and watch the new “Terminator” movie with our friends that we usually game with each week (we haven’t been able to game this month cause Cindy was in CA till late the 21st, we’ll start back up again in June on the 12th) and another guy from Jake’s work. It wasn’t very good though. We were all pretty disappointed! Hosea completely disliked it and wanted his money back (he’s the friend from Jake’s work)!

Monday was Anna’s 9th Birthday and she was off of school due to the Holiday and Jacob took it off as well for her Birthday. The kids were already up when we finally got up and around and I got all the pj’s I’d been saving since last year (got her a bunch for real cheap at the Disney Store) and some summer shirts too! She also got a new bike since she’s outgrown her other one, it’s red and black. We’ve tried to get bikes each time that can be passed to down to each of the next children. The last one was yellow, red, and black with flames. David will get that one now (it’s has training wheels). She played some video games with her brother in the morning and then watched Jacob play a game on the Wii. I made shepherd’s pie for lunch and we had it for dinner as well. We ended up going up to Northfield Stapleton to check out another Old Navy up there that is suppose to have maternity clothes. They had even less than the one here by us. We also checked out this really cool store called Bass Pro Outdoor World. It is a huge, huge store filled with all sorts of sporting goods, stuff animals, boats, ATV’s. It even has a huge tank filled with all sorts of really large fish and about 4 or 5 water falls all around the elevators and fish tank! It’s a very interesting store to look through. Afterwards we came back home and Jacob put on a James Bond movie that we all watched till bed time.

The 26th was John’s 3rd Birthday! He didn’t get up till right before it was time to take Anna to school. The night before I put together his new Batman Scooter and he tried to use it all day, but I think it’s a bit big for him. He also got some cars and action figures that he’s been playing with all day as well. I put on a number of his favorite shows through out the day. We went to Olive Garden for his Birthday dinner. He always eats so well there and since Anna didn’t want to go out yesterday we decided we’d go out for him since he doesn’t usually voice any preferences for food, just picks something out of what you list for him. He loves Olive Garden though! We left for Olive Garden about 4, but before that the kids went downstairs and played. Anna was suppose to be working on a story for a School project due on the 4th of June. I think we might get in a bit of running around after dinner to take something back to Target and to Toys R Us for the kids to spend some gift cards they received.

I worked on housework all day…laundry, dishes, cleaning the kitchen, and vacuuming. Our dryer is on the fritz and takes 2 or three cycles to dry whatever is in there. It’s really annoying and makes laundry take a lot longer than it needs to! I want to try and keep the house as clean as possible this week for the kids Formal Party this Saturday. Did a lot of planning and shopping Friday.

The 27th, Anna and John had their yearly well visit at 2:30 so I had to get Anna out of school early. The kids are in the 50th percentile for height and weight, except John who is in the 60th % for height. He had to get one shot, but now he's all caught up till Kindergarten!

Thursday we had some people come to give us an estimate on new windows and siding for the house. I don’t think we’ll actually order anything, but it’s good to get an estimate on these things since we hope to possibly do it in the future ( a couple years down the road). Their suppose to send us an e-mail with the actual numbers.

Friday the 29th Jacob was on call for work. He asked for today, the 30th, off for the kids party, but his work sent two of the other people from his work on a TDY. He didn't end up going in, yay!

The kids party today went well! We had one family show that didn't RSVP, so I had to make up more gift bags, but that wasn't a big deal. As everyone arrived they started playing 'Dance, Dance Revolution'. They lost interest fast because it's so hard! Then we did a scavenger hunt while Jacob and Joel went and picked up pizzas for lunch. After the pizza and cupcakes (triple chocolate fudge and lemon with a light whipped cream cheese frosting) the girls all made bracelets and necklaces. Then the kids watched Anna open present and it was time for everyone to go home! I think they all had a good time! The Party ended at 1.

Our friends Joel and Cindy stayed till just a few moments ago taking turns playing a racing game, they just left to go home and run some errands. Now Jacob is cooking burgers and we're about to eat dinner. I think we're probably just going to hang out and relax for the rest of the evening. It's been a very, very busy week planning for the party today and getting the house restocked with necessities and groceries!

Tomorrow I'm serving in John's class again for probably the last time this summer. Okay, the last time for the 2's class. I'm going to talk with the lady that does the scheduling and see if I can move to John's new class in the 3's or David's class the next two times I'm scheduled for this summer. Then I think I'll be done for several, several months till I get into a good routine after baby is born! Jacob is working so he won't be home till after 4:30. He's only working tomorrow and Monday then I think he's off till next Monday or Tuesday for our Anniversary. I'll write more about that for next months activity log.

So this is my super long May update.....