Monday, December 08, 2008

In the Dark of the Night

~I like to watch the snow come down, especially at night! There is a lamp post out on the street that I can see from where I sit in my favorite chair and I get a good view of what the weather really looks like illuminated in the street light! It's quite beautiful!

The snow is really coming down tonight! You wouldn't really know it too just look out at the yard. It looks snowy on the ground, but the air looks peaceful and calm in the darkness of the night! However, look to the right, towards the street light, and you'll see the true ferocity of the storm raging outside! The wind is blowing whipping the branches on the trees. The snow flies sideways, this way and that, at the mercy of the gusting wind!

I tried to take a few pictures, but my underpowered camera didn't do the the excitement outside justice!

I'm not sure what tomorrow will bring? It's suppose to snow all tonight and tomorrow...I guess we'll just have to wait and see? :O)