Monday, May 12, 2008

My Kids

I thought I'd include a picture of my kids! This is one that I took at Easter! I had them get all dressed up and it was a little difficult getting them to pose...but this shows their personalities a bit! :OP

Anna and David w/ John down front and center!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day '08

Today is Mother's Day, May 11th...I didn't actually expect much to happen today because earlier this week Jacob agreed to let me pick out some different feeders. I got three different wild bird feeders (two for larger birds and one for finches) and a bungee squirrel feeder. Jacob put them all up for me on Tuesday last week and the squirrels have gone nuts over it ever since...they've completely disassembled the whole thing and have even been trying to get into one of the other feeders. It's pretty funny actually because the branches next to it are just too flimsy to support their weight. There was this one squirrel that did mange to get it's little paws on the feeder, but the branch started to give way and he was hanging on with all it's might, tip toes trying to get some balance on the branch with no luck. It managed to get one or two swipes at the feeder for some of the nuts before the branch gave out and it was hanging by one paw. It was pretty funny just watching it dangle there for a few seconds before it dropped to the ground. I don't think it actually got any nuts and I don't think that any of them have completely given up hope that they will get some because at least once a day I see them trying to climb up the skinny branches, but they don't get very far.

Anyway, I slept in this morning. Yesterday I could feel myself getting weaker. Thought I was getting least I could feel it coming on. I slept in till a little after 9 (that's really late for me). I wanted to go back to sleep, but there was too much light streaming into the room and I just couldn't get back to sleep, so I got dressed and came downstairs. When I got down the stairs Jacob and the kids all yelled 'Happy Mother's Day!'. It was pretty cute and all the kids ran up to me with home made card and I had Anna tape them all to the sliding glass window! Jacob told me he had a glass of tea steeping for me and as I walked into our main living area (kitchen/family room) I noticed that it had been cleaned up! Yay! I had to wait about half an hour for breakfast because I'd just taken my medication, but when I was ready for food Jacob was really wonderful and made my current favorite meal: chicken curry w/ veggies over rice! Yum, yum! We just recently discovered this dish when I bought a mild curry sauce packet at the commissary a week or so ago, but boy is it good stuff, especially with the added veggies: carrots, baby corn, and water chestnuts...I'm gonna add snow peas too one of these times I just don't have them right now...

Even though I got a couple hours extra sleep this morning I still felt completely drained and my head, ears, and throat were killing me. I took some tylenol cold and sinus med and it seemed to work pretty quick. I haven't felt too bad today, just tired, especially so if I'm up and trying to do a bunch.

The weather was really nice today! I wish I had felt better we could have gotten out and done something so the kids could get out, though the boys did spend most of the day out in the backyard playing! John even got stuck in wagon back in the forest. It was pretty funny...David came running in and said "Mom, John's stuck in the wagon back in the forest and he can't get out!" lol Crazy kids! :O) Both boys really enjoy playing outside and I'm glad they got the opportunity to do so today since we weren't really doing anything inside all day. We did chill and watch a couple movies: Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Anna got a kick out of watching them. We had to stop the 3rd one though so the kids could get to bed. Anna has school tomorrow. So I guess we'll be finishing that show tomorrow after she gets home and gets her homework done.

Well, I didn't exactly stay totally inactive today. I wanted to go to Nick's Garden Center and find out how much the bushes I want to eventually get cost and boy was I surprised by their price tags! No way I'm paying $99 bucks for a lilac bush. Yikes! I did find a bush that I think will look really neat out front, but we'll have to wait and add that to our list of 'things to do'. We also found the wind chimes that Jacob really likes...too bad the one that he wants to get is $360 bucks. Yikes again!

After the Garden Center Jacob drove us over the Family Christen Store really quick. I needed to pick up a few things and check out a few others, however we ran out of time because they close at 5 on Sundays so I wasn't able to check out everything that I wanted. I'll have to go back, but this time I'll have a 25% off my entire purchase coupon to use. Yay! We also stopped by Payless Shoe Source and Michael's real quick. Didn't spend too much time in either store. Then we came home.

Not much else went on today, just watched those shows and made a light dinner: sandwiches and egg rolls (that weren't very good, I won't buy that brand again). Anyway, Jacob is playing one of his Wii games and I was just checking me e-mail. No more messages today! Bummer! I've also been surfing the net a lot today checking out auctions on eBay just for the fun of it!

We'll be heading to bed here in about an hour, but for now I'm gonna log off and watch Jacob play his game...Good Night!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Crazy Hungry Squirrels

Monday (5th) Jacob agreed to let me get a few different bird feeders and a squirrel bungee feeder. This is something that I've been wanting to do since we moved in here since we've had all sorts of critters frequenting our forest that we've noticed since we moved in! (Can you believe it's almost been a year since we moved in here?)

Anyway, Jacob put the feeders up for me and the same day a few squirrels discovered their feeder. A day or two later we had another 2 squirrels, then the next day we had probably half a dozen. Yikes! These not so little critters were going nuts over all the food...they kept coming back and back...and now all the food is completely gone off the bungee feeder. There is a bit left on the ground that they are cleaning up quickly. They've even been trying to get into the wild bird feeder that's hanging from a hook off a pole that also holds another two feeders (a bird house feeder at the top of the post and a hummingbird feeder off another hook). There was one squirrel in particular that kept climbing the little branches on the surrounding bushes trying to get into the hanging bird feeder, however the branches aren't quite strong enough to support it's weight and he'd fall off. Pretty funny to watch!

Looks like the little birds have finally discovered the wild bird feeder, though they haven't discovered the little finch feeder yet. Bummer though cause that one is just outside the sliding glass window hanging out with the wind chimes.

I'm really glad that we got the feeders! I really enjoy watching the little animals scamper and flit their way around the forest out back! Almost feels like we're living in the mountains! This place is really awesome!