Sunday, August 06, 2006


Dear Family and Friends,

Sorry it is so long inbetween posts, but when I sit down to write these I'm usually on for awhile and recently I just haven't had the time for that! But I am going to try and update you now and then make more frequent posts after this...


We are trying to get our house ready to put on the market! Tomorrow we having the carpets cleaned and the house is getting pretty bare as Jake and I just rented a storage until yesterday and have taken 3 trips there w/ the van loaded up! I think we probably have at least 20 boxes of stuff and several pieces of furniture. Though we plan to move more here in the next couple days. Our realtor is coming Wednesday to look at the house and give us suggestions! I hope we have done a good job on our own though and don't have much more to do because we are all tired due to how much we have been working on the house!

Though this evening we got out! Went to McDonald's and took the kids! They have a play place and Jacob, Sara, and I played Uno while we ate and the kids played/ate! It was nice to get out and not have to worry about any house stuff!

Well, I couldn't finished this last night, so here I go again!

Today we are having our carpets cleaned. They will be here in about 2ish hours. Not sure what we are going to do exactly while they are here, though we can leave, but I'm not sure that's what I want to do. Most of our important stuff is out of site or in rooms that they won't be cleaning! I might just stay and see if Sara wants to get out. I can make David go down for a nap and have Anna do some art projects or something. Though they said it would take 2 to 3 hours to clean the carpets, then 1 to2 hours for them to dry. So that's apporx. 3 to 5 hours we have to be occupied some way and not messing w/ the carpets too much! Jacob should be home about 4 so he'll probably be home before they finished unless they are pretty quick...

Sara and I got the house cleaned up today the rest of the way though...Well at least we got the stuff off the carpets so they can be cleaned! There are still odds and ends that we just can't figure out what to do w/. Might go to Michael's and see if I can get some baskets to put stuff in that we still use, but they don't really have a place!

Jacob and I ran some more stuff to the storage facility yesterday! A couple bookshelves, and a table and more boxes. We rented a place Saturday and took two loads and our last load we took after thier office was closed and we got stuck inside the fence because the gate wouldn't open for us. Jacob had to go up to the peoples house and tell them...apparently they are still having problems w/ the gate because it was permanently up yesterday when we went.

Another adventure we had was yesterday. David keeps finding ways to get out of the house to the front yard. And yesterday he got out and was in the van...he got into the pens and markers that I have in there and wrote all over my dash board/console, and the passanger seat and window. I was not happy! Actually I really wanted to cry I was so angry! Fortunately the Oops! that we have got almost all of it cleaned up and the Advantage spray worked well too! We have to keep the van locked from now on and the front door alarmed, though I'm not sure that's how he actually got out, through the front door that is!

Anna starts school in two weeks. We aren't ready yet! we don't have any of her school supplies and we aren't even sure that she will be attending this school the whole year since we will hopefully be moving here in the next couple weeks! And we haven't been working on a get up schedule. The school has changed it's hours from 8:20 to 8, so that means we need to be up at 6:30 instead of 7 like before. I usually sleep in till 8:30 or 9 and I'm going to have to get used to getting up just after John's last feeding instead of going back to bed. I'm not really looking forward to this! The whole getting up early thing that is! We'll see how it goes! The kids aren't used to getting up either, so this will be interesting for all of us!

John is doing well...He has started cooing and smiles a bunch and he's even laughed a few times! He is getting bigger every day and I almost need to move him up to 3-6 month clothes though not quite yet! He was almost 12 pounds at his 2 month visit and 21 1/2 inches tall! He and David have doctor appointments scheduled for September 27th. Anna has a well visit on the 23rd at 3:30, just after she gets out of school!

Well, I'm gonna wrap this up...can't really think of anything else to talk about though I am sure there is more, so I'll try and post it when I think of it! God Bless!