Thursday, July 20, 2006

Getting Ready to List the House

Wow, sorry it's been so long since I posted my last entry...

We have been so busy, w/ barely a break...what with taking care of the kids, chores, and now trying to get the house looking tip top shape to put it on the market, there is barely any time to sit down and spend writing on my computer...however...Sara and I just got some more painting done this morning and we've all had lunch. David is suppose to be down for a nap and Anna is watching the show I put on for David to get him to fall asleep. John has been sleeping for awhile and should be up soon, but I thought I would sit and write for awhile and get you all caught up!!!

Let's see...since the 24th of June, we've done a ton! Mainly working on the house. We got both bathrooms painted and even had some tile installed in the upstairs bathroom. I got two walls painted myself Monday and today my sister helped me get almost the entire livingroom painted and hallway to the Masterbed and Office. The only things left to paint are the remaining two walls to the livingroom and down the stairs to the hallway. We aren't going to paint the downstairs hallway or we would have to end up painting all of downstairs and I'm just not up for that! The ceilings in the livingroom and kitchen were painted last Saturday. Turned out to be an all day event though I had actually hoped to get all the painting done that day. It was really hard to get the ceiling cause it is so high in places and was even tough for Jacob, who is over 6 ft. Oh well at least we got it done!!!

Jacob's Mom Vonnie was here from the 26th-29th. I think we had a good visit! We went to the Denver Downtown Aquarium and got a membership. Even Sara is on it cause the kids (David, Jade, John) are free till they hit 4. So that was cool! We are probably going to go there Saturday. We all need a break from all the house work and the kids really need to get out!

I don't really have any more details for the last many weeks. It was actually like the first week of July that Jacob made the decision to get out of the Military and thus decided to try and get the house on the market ASAP cause we are staying here, but we need a bigger house! It was my idea to get the house on the market by the 1st of August and if we bust our buns we may actually get that accomplised. I'm hoping to have an 'Open House' the first week we are on the market what w/ everything being newly painted and cleaned and the house being to decluttered. Hopefully we will get an offer right off!!! Please pray for us in this whole process cause many of our feelings are being bruised due to lack of focus!!! Anyway, There really isn't a whole lot more that needs to be done! We keep getting more and more accomplished every day and it's only a matter of a few more dedicated days and we should be able to get everything in order and call our realtor to take a look at the place and hopefully get some more suggestions for what to do w/ the house to get it to sell quicker!!!

Anyway, I need to go...David needs some attention. Hope you are having a great summer!